
I am triyng to use the wireless interface


The /etc/network/interfaces file has only:

 - wireless-essid

 - wireless-key1

modprobe if_bwn module. I can see that 'ether' is

corrected and 'dmesg' shows 'Broadcom BCM4312'. But

at the end:

bwn_v4_lp_ucode15: could not load firmware image, error 2

bwn0: the fw file(bw_v4_lp_ucode15) not found

I can not find the file at 'packages.debian.org.

When I try to 'ifup' I have this information:

'Can't attach interafce bwn0 to bpf device'

'/dev/bpf0 no such device or address'

I checked and '/dev/bpf0' is a symlink to '/dev/bpf'

What I am missing ?



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