
Christoph Egger <christ...@debian.org> writes:
> christoph | there are several bugs on http://deb.li/3xpVg
> christoph | then there's lots of testing that can be done
> christoph | upgrades from wheezy; installs of jessie/sid with all kind of 
> configuration
> christoph | there are probably some unreported build failures on 
> https://buildd.debian.org/status/architecture.php?a=kfreebsd-amd64&suite=sid 
> and the
>           | same i386 page one can report
> christoph | when reporting bugs remember to use user: 
> debian-bsd@lists.debian.org / usertag: kfreebsd
> christoph | if you notice there's somer problem too hard for you to solve 
> right away when squashing bugs it's a good idea to tag them
>           | debian-bsd@lists.debian.org / usertag: kfreebsd-hard
> christoph | Steven and Petr on the mailinglist may have some more ideas

christoph | I *think* there's currently no big important thing in the way
christoph | though it's probably worth looking at the new-in-jessie stuff
christoph | like the new kms-enabled vts ; kms video drivers ; virtio ; 
firmware loaders
christoph | and give them some stress-testing
christoph | like creating a vm with ufs/zfs filesystem on virtio and loop a gcc 
build in there is probably already usefull ; and report the results
christoph | or see if you can get proper kms graphics on your graphics cip
christoph | or testing vts on real hardware as well as virtualization soliutions
christoph | though I would recommend for most testing to use sid right now
christoph | as 10.1 stuff hasn't migrated to testing yet


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