Testing with a post FreeBSD-beta3 build
(kfreebsd-image-10.1-0-amd64_10.1~svn272324-3_kfreebsd-amd64.deb), which
was build by Christoph (available here
https://people.debian.org/~christoph/), still shows performance regressions.

The write speed has improved, still slower than with the old vt, but
scrolling up is much too slow. With the new kernel version the whole
boot process takes more than 3 minutes. (A recording of the boot process
and vt speed is available here: http://youtu.be/0hJMGMP36vE Recorded by
me with a mobile phone)

Also the new kernel version showed a page fault in kernel space in the
Hyper-V driver. (Stack trace was lost, but I assume that is an upstream
bug anyway)

Oddly enough manually editing /etc/grub.d/10_kfreebsd to include "set
kFreeBSD.hw.vga.textmode=1" in the grub config seems to fix these
problems. That cannot be a solution though, as these kind of problems
should not appear in a out-of-the-box configuration.
Best regards

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