
  Guess it's a good idea to move things soon -- release people might e
busy in the talk before as well and not see last-minute stuff.

Steven Chamberlain <ste...@pyro.eu.org> writes:
> * packaging of 10.1 snapshots began some 3 weeks ago, it is in
> experimental and got through the NEW queue already
> * upstream release timeline - currently proceeding on schedule. they're
> in 'code slush' already and are due to freeze on 5th September
> * upstream security schedule - by the time of Jessie release, 10.1 will
> be supported (for a long term), but not 10.0
> * we're already using some features that were new/unimplemented in 10.0,
> such as newcons that Robert backported an early version of, and KMS
> which should have matured some more in 10.1
> * clang-3.3 is being dropped from jessie/sid in favour of clang-3.4 or
> 3.5:  upstream already builds 10.1 with clang-3.4, whereas 10.0 would
> need some bits backported by us (not too difficult though)
> * it's working fine with d-i:  I've been using 10.1 kernels exclusively
> while working on the bugs reported in d-i beta 1

FWIW I'm running on kfreebsd-10.1 on my notebook for whole debconf as
well -- think I got it some testing there.

> The actual 'transition' part will be kfreebsd-kernel-headers from 10.0
> to 10.1 (so, hopefully smaller than the 9.2->10.0 transition that
> happened earlier this year);  reverse depends are mostly freebsd-libs,
> but also libc0.1-dev, and from there it could affect a lot of things, I

glibc has quite a testsuite right? So just building that with a
kfreebsd-kernel-headers 10.1 would probably be a good start on its own
right? (fwiw kfreebsd-kernel-headers 10.1 should be in experimental)

> don't suppose we're expected to rebuild the whole archive?  We could do
> test rebuilds of selected stuff though if advisable;  I could easily
> borrow/rent some hardware to do that if needed.

I'm pretty sure we can get things going without you throwing private
money at it ;-). I wouldn't do an archive rebuild though.

There's also somewhat of a freebsd-libs transition right?


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