
On 01/04/14 08:16, Jan Henke wrote:
> after the recent discussions about FTBFS due to gcj, I would like to
> discuss the future of gcj in general here. The thread at [1] brings it
> pretty much to the point I think, while gcj will not go away, there is
> basically no further development to be expected upstream. Together with
> the (now) increasing development of the language, Java 8 got released
> just two weeks ago, the usefulness of gcj as a JVM is IMHO questionable.
> I think currently there is no other option besides OpenJDK. I understood
> that gcj is still needed to build OpenJDK-6/-7, but I currently see no
> practical use for it beyond that.

I fully agree with this!  Much as I was saying here:

> The OpenJDK-8 upstream source code seems to have some *BSD support, but
> due to some problems I cannot try to build it on kFreeBSD right now. The
> question now is how we can proceed?

I've been waiting to see if a Debian package appears, and then we can
work towards making it build on kfreebsd.

> I think it is important to improve
> the OpenJDK availability in kFreeBSD and slowly think about phasing out
> gcj all together (if possible).

Yes, I think it would be good to have consistency across all release

> I like to help where possible, but I am neither DM nor DD and so far I
> do not have experience in building OpenJDK. So I am absolutely not sure
> what I can do right now.

We could certainly use any kind of help to keep up with openjdk-7
updates.  I didn't have any experience of this either, but once I'd set
up a kfreebsd machine with enough memory and diskspace to build it, it
was easy to refresh the patches needed for openjdk-7 to build again.

I imagine openjdk-8 will be more difficult to maintain in the beginning,
but at least there seems to be a package for it in FreeBSD ports
already:  http://www.freshports.org/java/openjdk8/

Steven Chamberlain

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