For potential future investigation, I noticed that the sysbench utility
records notably lower performance in its threading benchmark on
GNU/kFreeBSD systems, than on somewhat somewhat older GNU/Linux systems.

GNU/Linux, 4-way Opteron 285 2.6 GHz => 2.4383s total:

> # sysbench --num-threads=64 --test=threads --thread-yields=100 
> --thread-locks=2 run
> sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
> Running the test with following options:
> Number of threads: 64
> Doing thread subsystem performance test
> Thread yields per test: 100 Locks used: 2
> Threads started!
> Done.
> Test execution summary:
>     total time:                          2.4383s
>     total number of events:              10000
>     total time taken by event execution: 155.2520
>     per-request statistics:
>          min:                                  0.05ms
>          avg:                                 15.53ms
>          max:                                131.32ms
>          approx.  95 percentile:              56.51ms
> Threads fairness:
>     events (avg/stddev):           156.2500/16.61
>     execution time (avg/stddev):   2.4258/0.00

GNU/kFreeBSD, 4-way Opteron 8380 2.5 GHz => 13.4990s total:

> # sysbench --num-threads=64 --test=threads --thread-yields=100 
> --thread-locks=2 run
> sysbench 0.4.12:  multi-threaded system evaluation benchmark
> Running the test with following options:
> Number of threads: 64
> Doing thread subsystem performance test
> Thread yields per test: 100 Locks used: 2
> Threads started!
> Done.
> Test execution summary:
>     total time:                          13.4990s
>     total number of events:              10000
>     total time taken by event execution: 861.9675
>     per-request statistics:
>          min:                                  0.04ms
>          avg:                                 86.20ms
>          max:                                207.55ms
>          approx.  95 percentile:             174.67ms
> Threads fairness:
>     events (avg/stddev):           156.2500/1.40
>     execution time (avg/stddev):   13.4682/0.02

Steven Chamberlain

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