
Bdale Garbee <bd...@gag.com> writes:
> On Wed, 24 Aug 2011 21:53:01 +0200, Christoph Egger <christ...@debian.org> 
> wrote:
>>  56: incremental dump when the parent directory is unreadable FAILED
>>  (listed03.at:25)
> Any idea why this test is now failing on kfreebsd but not on Linux?
> The source for this test is in tests/listed03.at, and 'make check' in
> the top of the source tree will re-run the test suite.

  Looking at it right now. tar seems to fail in a chroot but builds fine
outside (at least that's a pattern I'm seeing). We once had a similar
case (with graphviz stuff) maybe it's related. Will let you know if I
can make out something.



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