Dear Robert and all fellows,

torsdag den 21 juli 2011 klockan 10:52 skrev Robert Millan detta:
> 2011/7/21 Mats Erik Andersson <>:
> > Do feel invited to take part in deciding whether
> > the license names
> >
> >  4-clause BSD, 3-clause BSD, FreeBSD, and ISC
> In case this serves, I used "X-clause BSD" in fuse4bsd, for the
> 2-clause license too.  I think calling it 2-clause is much less
> confusing than "FreeBSD license".

Based on this I made a quick change leading to

   4-clase BSD, 3-clause BSD, 2-clause BSD, and FreeBSD

being the only stated licenses. (I misremembered to content of ISC!)

I have mentioned "2-clause BSD" and "FreeBSD" as synonyms, and I have
left the license name "FreeBSD" as applying to the make files which
clearly are originating from the FreeBSD project, as well as for our
own packaging directory "debian/". This latter assignation is for
Petr Salinger, Guillem Jover, and myself, so at least we must agree
before officially packaging the ported software! It is just a personal
guess to make the origin, within glibc-bsd/kFreeBSD, clearer.

Best regards,
  Mats E A

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