Dear all,

with the risk of making a fool of myself, I need to address an issue.
Is Xorg/Xterm really working impeccably within GNU/kFreeBSD?  Are all
dependencies brought in as needed?

In essence, I started with

    # apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-vesa twm xterm

Still it is not possible to access Xterm, neither from Twm, nor after

    $ startx xterm

The terminal window is created, but no user input is possible.
In another effort I have patched Xvt for GNU/kFreeBSD. Originally,
it was was able to complain on the lack of controlling terminal,
but after patching which amends this, this complaint disappears.
Thus I know that Xorg/startx cat execute applications, but there
seems to be deficiencies on the event level. Or?

Having cursed the Delete button in GNU/kFreeBSD ever since Summer,
and seing it resolved last week, I do feel more bold in claiming
the present defect not being due to myself. Any explanation is
most welcome.

Best regards,

Mats E A

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