On Mon, Jan 19, 2004 at 10:27:34PM -0700, Joel Baker wrote:
> > > Yes. Less steadily than at times, but still actively. I'm also working on
> > > the naming issue with TNF and other folks, which is a necessary long-term
> Something like 10,000 fil, counting all of the source tree. Counting only


> If, and when, the current servers prove to be inadequite, I have no problem
> with asking for help, but I think managing to accomplish that would be a
> large step towards demonstrating the usefulness of a proper architecture
> area in the main archive, so.

Well, I'd suggest that since there is no way to get the code right now,
the current servers *are* inadequate :-)

If you own machines are unavailable for whatever reason, it may prove
easier for you to use some space on a place like quantz.  As a side
benefit, that would also eliminate the single point of failure problem.
If you get hit by a bus, then somebody can chown the files and others
can pick up where you left off.

I'm not trying to say "Joel Baker sucks and maintaining a repository."
I'm just saying "Joel Baker could find some free hosting over here." 

(Plus, then, I get my code faster <g>)

-- John

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