Dear debian-bsd folk, [disclaimer: I am just a random Debian developer, I don't use nor plan to use FreeBSD or NetBSD]
For Debian to target for release a new port, the port has to match the release minima which are: 1) all base package 2) 90% of all packages build 3) a working installer 4) suitable machine to handle security updates. Before the port is targeted for release, Debian developers are not required to make any effort toward making their packages build on the port, even applying patches. Debian developers are mostly GNU/Linux users and are likely to use GNU specific features, and not ready to stop this usage for a port that have yet to happen. 90% of all packages represent curently 6840 (source) packages, but is likely to double every 2 years. So your best bet to get your port released is to provide an environment as similar as the GNU/Linux so that most packages will build out of the box. Using glibc and GNU tools is a big step in this direction. Coming with a distribution with less feature/efficiency than the original *BSD flavour is not a problem as long as said feature are not part of the release criteria. Alternatively, maybe you don't want to release as a Debian port, and you prefer with a well-working set of packages with custom patches. In this case you have much more leeway, but then I question whether this should be endorsed by Debian at all, though you are welcome to do it. Cheers, -- Bill. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Imagine a large red swirl here.