Hi, i am new to this project but have been thinking of something like debian/netbsd for a while. My motivation: i am using netbsd on my old sparc machine(s) and debian linux on a few (meanwhile also old) PCs and solaris on two machines i cannot run with BSD. While i like netbsd on the sparc, i am quite a bit frustrated on the not-availability of application packages on cdrom, neither precompiled for the sparc nor as source tree. So my idea was merging the debian packaging system into bsd and being able to build my environment from the source tree of a current debian distribution (i own woody with full source tree on cdrom).
I understand that there is currently no debian/netbsd for the sparc, so i have to do that on my own. Now my questions: ist there any documentation on the design of debian/netbsd? How compatible with the netbsd main stream will it be? What do i need to set up the system - i tend to use one of my solaris machines (an ultra 1) to cross build bsd and use my good old SS2 as the testing target. Setting up a cross-gcc is not an issue for me - i have already done this several times. best regards Michael ______________________________________________________________________________ Belgien, Italien, Portugal,... Mit WEB.DE FreeMail konnen Sie in all diese Lander SMS senden. http://freemail.web.de/features/?mc=021173