On Mon, Jan 21, 2002 at 11:27:18AM +1100, matthew green wrote:
>    In the current chroot, /usr/include/db.h and /usr/include/db2/db.h
>    seem to be from the netbsd db1. /usr/lib/libdb2.* seem to be the
>    libraries from the debian db2 package. /usr/lib/libdb.* are symlinks
>    to the db2 libraries. This is helping to cause the apt build to fail.
>    It is also probably wrong, at least in the long term.
>    Anyone have detail about why things are set up this way? I'm going to
>    start looking into getting db1 (netbsd's or debian's) built and
>    packaged. Let me know if this is the wrong thing.
> netbsd libc includes (a very very bugfixed) db1.  that's what <db.h>
> is for.  dunno what the <db2/db.h> is from though.

db2/db.h is supposed to be from libdb2-dev, part of the db2 source
package in netbsd. Thats all well and good, though I am having trouble
building my own copy of this package, due to issues with db1 libraries.

db1 libraries are in libc on linux and on netbsd. In netbsd, the
library is actually part of libc. However, in glibc it is part of the
source package but gets built as its own library.

Solutions to this include fixing build systems, or providing a stub
/usr/lib/libdb1.* as part of the netbsd libc package. Does anyone have
opinions about this? I should think that most build systems would get
this right, but the two I have found (db2 and apt) don't.


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