On Thu, Jan 17, 2002 at 02:46:29AM +0000, Matthew Garrett wrote:
> > That approach gets rid of a lot of hassles associated with upgrading the
> > sources, and allows people to rebuild their kernel and core system. You just
> > pull the new sources from CVS, and use the scripts to build debs. A lot like
> > kernel-package, except that it has to handle more packages.
> I've left the CVS directories in there, so it ought to be possible for
> package maintainers to deal with upgrades. On the other hand, the idea of
> a user being able to upgrade stuff in-situ sounds rather cool :) I'm not
> sure whether the best policy here is to stick with the existing Debian
> mentality of individual packages dealt with by different maintainers or a
> huge package with the user having more choice over updates as you
> suggest. What does everyone else think?

I think we should do it the way it's currently done in Debian for
now. If we want to use CVS, we should set it up Debian-wide. I like
the idea of using CVS for Debian source packages.

Jeroen Dekkers
Jabber supporter - http://www.jabber.org Jabber ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Debian GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org http://www.gnu.org

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