On Tue, 10 Jul 2001 at 14:04, Brandon Young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> chittered thus:
=> Please forgive me for this, but in the last few days, I remember seeing a
=> reference to an irc channel for debian-bsd, and I believe it was on
=> openprojects.net???  Anyway, my question is what server is the channel
=> hosted on, and what is the name of the channel?

        The OpenProjectsNetwork -- irc.openprojects.net -- in the channel

Today is Boomtime, the 46th day of Confusion in the YOLD 3167
| Ravikant K. Rao         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>       <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Larval geek           http://www.bothan.net/~ravi/    F1E7DE29      | 

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