What I've done is a completed port of dpkg to FreeBSD with a port makefiles
needed patches.
Apt has been compiled (with some patches and dirty hacks), but unfortunately
I didn't
have much time to end it..

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Krennmair" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Debian-BSD Mailinglist" <debian-bsd@lists.debian.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 24, 2001 2:58 PM
Subject: Project Status

I want to know what the current status of Debian/BSD is. AFAICS on the
mailing list, not really a lot is done yet. I'm really interested in
helping out with this project, simply because I find the idea of Debian
on top of some BSD (I'd prefer NetBSD, just think of Debian on a VAX ;)
very exciting. I have programming experience in C and C++, and I have
already ported several programs from 2BSD and 3BSD (!!) to Linux and one
program from Linux to FreeBSD.

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