On Thu, May 31, 2001 at 10:02:57AM -0700, Michael Goetze wrote:
> (1) Which BSD would you prefer to use as a base? (Free, Net, Open)

Really doesn't matter to me, as long as we have something that actually
works. I have no experience whatsoever with NetBSD, but I believe the
differences are small enough and once one works the others will follow

> (2) What do you think is the best way to start?

Avoid using the Linux binary compatibility, that's not the real thing.
If some people still want to do it, that should be a separate project from
the one that uses a complete BSD system as the base.

2 ways: BSD libc or GNU libc.

BSD libc: requires tons of porting. Apt and dpkg have already been ported
to the BSD semantics, that won't be a problem. Can somebody identify critical
packages that are too GNU-bound?

GNU libc: tons of coding as well - the glibc itself has to be ported to the
BSD kernel syscalls interface. Once we have that though, the existing packages
should just recompile and work under the new architecture.

Once we have either of those working, make a base.tgz package with the
kernel, libc, package manager, some shell (bash/csh maybe) and start packaging
the rest.

> (3) Are you here to contribute, or to flame?

Too rhetoric 8-)


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