On Sat, Oct 21, 2000 at 04:24:54PM -0400, Dan Papasian wrote:

> > instead of Debian ;-) Forget it, just a crazy idea.
> *nod* Perhaps you all should try FreeBSD and OpenBSD before
> you go work on them :)  I would guess that nearly half of the
> people who want Debian/BSD have little BSD experience- at least
> that's the way I remember it when this FIRST came up, many moons
> ago..

Personally, I've got about half a year of experince in both.
I run OpenBSD as a firewall with IPSec tunnelling at work,
and FreeBSD as a desktop at home.
I can't say it's huge, but it is something ;-)

> Right, except Linux isn't BSD, and vice versa- there's no way
> to just plug-and-play the kernels.

Only BSD kernels, and not plug-n-play, but rebuild the whole 
package tree also. Suppose someone would want to run Debian/NetBSD
on the whole range of platforms the kernel runs at :)

> But for things like my SBLive, it's FreeBSD or bust.  Until someone
> ports newpcm to NetBSD... (gears turning in head)

_That_'s what I was talking about also -- SB Live. ;)

Regards, Wartan.

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