dan writes: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on Thu, 23 Dec 1999 11:57:00 +0100: [snip] > >There's nothing wrong with FreeBSD. But I would prefer the Debian way. > >I don't want to switch to FreeBSD, I want to switch to Debian with a > >FreeBSD Kernel. So I could use Debian/BSD for servers and Debian/Linux > >for my desktop machine. > I'll understand that if you can explain what the difference between > the "Debian way" and the "FreeBSD way" is. ^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^
This can best be answered by installing Debian/GNU Linux on a spare partition. Get Debian 2.1 on cdrom, the _older_ the pressing is, the better (current is 2.1r4). Then learn to use the apt tools. Update to 2.1r4 over the Internet using apt/dselect apt method. Update from the debian security site too. You will be running a 2.0.x Linux kernel. Update the kernel, by getting the latest 2.0.x kernel source package from your nearest Debian mirror site. Learn to use kernel-package to compile and install your new kernel. Next - upgrade to the unstable (potato) release. Use dselect, start with just upgrading to glibc2.1, next get the latest kernel 2.2.x source package and install it, just like you did for 2.0.x. Time for a dist-upgrade. At your leisure, upgrade your new potato system, do this weekly, or whenever. Of course, you have modified many configuration files in /etc so that your system works good for you. See how the various package upgrades effect your modified confifuration files. Some time in the year 2000, Debian will release a new system, 2.2r1, to the world. Congratulations, you have already installed this system! Now, I will quote from "The Complete FreeBSD", 2nd edition, by Greg Lehey, Another problem with pkg_delete is that it might delete files of the same name which have been replaced by newer packages. [snip] Oops! We tried to delete the old version, but we deleted at least part of the new version. Now we need to install it again. Under Debian, you cannot install two different versions of the same package - unless the packages have been specifically setup to allow this. Most packages do not, and I have never had a problem with this. Those packages that do allow different versions include emacs, xemacs, perl. I emphasize that you have been upgrading both userland and base system packages on your new Debian/GNU Linux (potato) system. Apt method in dselect does it all for you! And you haven't had to compile anything. You must try it, and live with it for a while, I cannot really explain it to you. HTH, -- Jeff Sheinberg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ---------------------------------------------------------------- Note: there are several useful acronym lists / search systems on the web, e.g. http://www.mtnds.com/af/default2.asp http://www.ucc.ie/info/net/acronyms/index.html http://www.git.net/coop/acromain.htm http://www.git.net/coop/acrolink.htm --from a posting by Ray "J.H.M. Dassen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>