"Tim Stoop" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Fri, May 9, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Ferenc Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I gave up on persuading partman to do things like this, and use the
>> attached initrd overlay instead.  It adds new menu items to partman,
>> which facilitate easy preseeding, but also possible to use manually.
> partman-auto partman-auto/init_automatically_partition select Manual
> doesn't work.

It works the same for the Woody, Sarge, Etch and Lenny installers.
It skips the following question by pre-selecting the manual method:

    Partition disks
    The installer can guide you through partitioning a disk (using
    different standard schemes) or, if you prefer, you can do it
    manually. With guided partitioning you will still have a chance
    later to review and customise the results.
    If you choose guided partitioning for an entire disk, you will
    next be asked which disk should be used.
    Partitioning method:
      1. Guided - use entire disk    
      2. Guided - use entire disk and set up LVM    
      3. Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM    
      4. Manual    

> At least, I still get "partman-base" selected.

I don't understand this sentence.  The partman-base package is
installed (selected?) for me, too: it's what ask the above question.

> For the record, I'm using the etch installer.

The above paste is from a Lenny installer session, fwiw.  Please
clarify, and I'll try to help.

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