On Wednesday 07 May 2008, Geert Stappers wrote:
> Op 07-05-2008 om 11:05 schreef Frans Pop:
> > Preparations have begun for the beta 2 release of Debian Installer for
> > Lenny. The changes to the Debian archive are known to break some
> > installation media from the lenny beta 1 release.
> >
> > Affected are images that load installer components from a mirror
> > (netboot, mini.iso and floppy) will not. Please use daily built images
> > instead.
> >
> | Affected are images that load installer components from a network
> | mirror (like netboot,  mini.iso and floppy). Please use daily built
> | images instead.
> added "network" and "like"

"like" is not correct English, "such as" would be. IMO it is redundant 
though. You also added an extra space that should not be there.

> removed "will not"

Yes, that was something left over from other variations I tried.

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