On Sunday 04 May 2008, Samuel Thibault wrote:
> Aaaah, that's in brltty-x11 actually. See the
> http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/Accessibility
> page I've just created for other fixups.

With current instructions it still does not work for me.

I do now get the brltty window (after running the documented command with 
sudo). But when I start the installer (using a recent netinst), I only
get a blank screen for qemu (no boot splash screen even; title bar 
says "QEMU [Stopped]") and the brltty window says "no screen".

The syslog has:
brltty[25407]: BRLTTY 3.10dev [http://mielke.cc/brltty/]
brltty[25408]: NoScreen Screen Driver:
brltty[25408]: BrlAPI Server: release 0.5.1
brltty[25408]: Could not load a braille font for charset ISO8859-1
brltty[25408]: Could not load a braille font for charset ISO8859-1
brltty[25408]: Could not load a braille font for charset JISX0208.1983-0
brltty[25408]: Could not load a braille font for charset KSC5601.1987-0
brltty[25408]: Could not load a braille font for charset GB2312.1980-0
brltty[25408]: Could not load a braille font for charset JISX0201.1976-0
brltty[25408]: Could not load a unicode font for charset KSC5601.1987-0
brltty[25408]: Could not load a unicode font for charset GB2312.1980-0
brltty[25408]: XWindow Braille Driver: version 0.1, 2004
brltty[25408]: NoSpeech Speech Driver:
brltty[25408]: BrlAPI connection fd=7 accepted: inet

From the last line I guess something is happening...

Are you using a custom mini.iso or a daily built one or what?


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