On Sun, May 04, 2008 at 01:11:25PM -0500, Raphael Geissert wrote:
> Would it be possible to add an extra page to d-i in expert mode to install
> dash and configure it as the default /bin/sh?
> dash uses a debconf prompt to install itself as sh, so there's no big stuff
> that needs to be done.

The policy around expert mode is that it should not change the
installation behaviour in itself.  Answering default to extra questions
in expert mode should result in the same installation as normal ones.

As dash already as a debconf questions, the implementation of such
behaviour is pretty straightforward: d-i should install dash.

If dash is promoted as part of the base system, it will be installed
without any changes from the d-i team.  The other candidate that would
trigger such installation that I can think of is the "standard" task of

I think I would object any implementation that would require more
specific changes in d-i itself.

Jérémy Bobbio                        .''`. 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                    : :Ⓐ  :  # apt-get install anarchism
                                    `. `'` 

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