To Whom It May Concern:
  In order to be fully updated regarding my wrangles with members of your 
association, I would suggest looking at the information compiled below, and 
then reading the rest of this message.
  My patience, which I've often been told is considerable, is now exhausted. 
So, I must resort to threats. If I don't receive all the assistance that I 
requested in a reasonable amount of time (1 week), I will begin complaining 
about this experience to all the relevant non-profit watchdogs that I can 
identify. (I can assure you that I'm an assiduous web researcher.) I will also 
post my complaints on any web sites, blogs, and newsgroups which I consider 
relevant. I will also write emails to any individuals which I consider it 
worthwhile to contact regarding this matter, and I will also write emails to 
publications which I consider relevant.   
  While I understand that your organization is not-for-profit and that 
therefore I cannot expect maximum efficiency, I don't think I've been or that 
I'm being unreasonable.
  Diego de Soto
  original bug report:
  first subsequent and relevant email exchange:
          Date:  Thu, 20 Dec 2007 08:10:46 -0800 (PST)    From:  "Diego de 
Soto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     Subject:  Re: Fwd: Re: Bug#457057: (no subject)   
 To:  "Colin Watson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  Thanks Colin. My apologies about the 
single-line email; I'll look into the configuration of my email program.      

Colin Watson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 12:42:15PM -0800, Diego de Soto wrote:
> I am forwarding the email that I received from a person who apparently was 
> mistakenly asked to help me with a bug. 

This happened because apparently your whole report reached the BTS on a
single line, which caused it to assign your report to multiple packages
including 'boot':

> > Package: installation-reports Boot method: <4.0 r1 "Etch" - Official i386 
> > BC Binary - 1 20070820 - 20:20 CD> Image version: <4.0 r1 "Etch" - Official 
> > i386 BC Binary - 1 20070820 - 20:20 CD> Date: <14 Dec. 2007> Machine: 
> > Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo T7100 Memory: 1 GB RAM, 120 GB HD Partitions: 
> > <3 GB ext2 & 3 GB swap area> Output of lspci -nn and lspci -vnn: not sure 
> > what this means and don't have time to find out, sorry Base System 
> > Installation Checklist: [O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] 
> > = didn't try it Initial boot: [O] Detect network card: [O] Configure 
> > network: [E] Detect CD: [O] Load installer modules: [O?] Detect hard 
> > drives: [O] Partition hard drives: [O] Install base system: [E] 
> > Clock/timezone setup: [O] User/password setup: [O] Install tasks: [ ] 
> > Install boot loader: [ ] Overall install: [E] Comments/Problems: > I don't 
> > remember if the loading of the installer modules went well; hence the 
> > question mark. When setting up the network, I get an
> message: "Network autoconfiguration failed". This may simply be due to the 
> fact that I don't have an internet connection. When I try to install the base 
> system, I get the following error messages: "Debootstrap Error" and "Failed 
> to determine the codename for the release." Also, due in part to the 
> non-intuitive nature of the installation instructions, I deleted part of 
> Windows (enough so that I no longer had access to it) during the partitioning 
> process.> 

I've looked at the raw mail you sent and this seems to be a problem with
your mail program (Yahoo! Mail?). Perhaps you need to configure it to
send plain-text e-mail without auto-formatting, or some such.

In any event, Mike Hommey has already reassigned this to just the
'installation-reports' package, where it belongs.



  another sent email:
          Date:  Mon, 14 Jan 2008 06:14:37 -0800 (PST)    From:  "Diego de 
Soto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>     Subject:  unanswered bug report    To:  [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]  Hello,       
  Below you will find the bug report that I filed roughly a month ago. I am 
dismayed that I have not yet received a response to my query, since my computer 
has been useless for the past month. I do not own another computer and do not 
have a desk job, and hence have to pay for access to computers at any point 
that I want to use one. Given this wait period, I hope that you can answer my 
message in the next twenty-four hours. I need, at this point, to be able to 
configure Debian to be able to:
  1. use a standard word-processing package that can read various MS and other 
file formats
  2. use Skype (audio only)
  3. use a standard web browser
  4. listen to mp3 files (this requirement is not for my entertainment)
  5. read PDF files

  second subsequent and relevant email exchange:
          Date:  Tue, 15 Jan 2008 00:45:37 +0100    From:  "Geert Stappers" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      To:  "Diego de Soto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    CC:  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]    Subject:  Re: unanswered bug report    Op 14-01-2008 om 
06:14 schreef Diego de Soto:
>   Hello,
>   Below you will find the bug report that I filed roughly a month
>   ago. I am dismayed that I have not yet received a response to my
>   query, since my computer has been useless for the past month.

there was a response the very same day.

There is also visable that the original posting had no line breaks.
(It was malformed, everything was on the same line )
  unanswered email:
          Date:  Tue, 15 Jan 2008 02:56:45 -0800 (PST)    From:  "Diego de 
Soto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      Subject:  Re: unanswered bug report    To:  
"Geert Stappers" [EMAIL PROTECTED]    another (unanswered) email from me:

          Date:  Mon, 14 Jan 2008 06:14:37 -0800 (PST)    From:  "Diego de 
Soto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>      Subject:  unanswered bug report    To:  [EMAIL 
      #message46057385027102161069094801742524402618979909 { overflow:auto; 
visibility:hidden }  

     YAHOO.Shortcuts.hasSensitiveText = false; YAHOO.Shortcuts.sensitivityType 
= []; YAHOO.Shortcuts.doUlt = false; YAHOO.Shortcuts.location = "us"; 
YAHOO.Shortcuts.lang = "us"; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_id = 0; 
YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_type = ""; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_title = ""; 
YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_publish_date = ""; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_author = 
""; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_url = ""; YAHOO.Shortcuts.document_tags = ""; 
YAHOO.Shortcuts.annotationSet = { "lw_1200926458_0": { "text": "[EMAIL 
PROTECTED]", "extended": 0, "startchar": 359, "endchar": 378, "start": 359, 
"end": 378, "extendedFrom": "", "predictedCategory": "", 
"predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 1, "type": 
["shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/email_address"], "category": 
["IDENTIFIER"], "context": "include line breaks Geert Stappers [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] wrote Op 14-01-2008 om 06:14" }, "lw_1200926458_1": { "text": 
"";, "extended": 0,
 "startchar": 801, "endchar": 855, "start": 801, "end": 855, "extendedFrom": 
"", "predictedCategory": "", "predictionProbability": "0", "weight": 1, "type": 
["shortcuts:/us/instance/identifier/URL"], "category": ["IDENTIFIER"], 
"context": "for the past month According there was a response 
the" }, "lw_1200926458_2": { "text": "Yahoo! Mobile", "extended": 0, 
"startchar": 1133, "endchar": 1145, "start": 1133, "end": 1145, "extendedFrom": 
"", "predictedCategory": "ORGANIZATION", "predictionProbability": "0.679211", 
"weight": 0.35, "type": 
["shortcuts:/us/instance/organization/company/yahoo_property"], "category": 
["ORGANIZATION"], "context": "friend newshound and know-it-all with Yahoo 
Mobile Try it now", "metaData": { "yprop_name": "Yahoo! Mobile", "yprop_url": 
""; }  } };  YAHOO.Shortcuts.overlaySpaceId = 
"97546169";  YAHOO.Shortcuts.hostSpaceId = "97546168";     Yes, there was a 
response, but
 unfortunately it was from a person who said that the message had been 
misrouted to them and that they thus could not help me. I am aware of the fact 
that the posting was all on one line, and will, in the future, make sure to 
include line breaks.   



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