On Mon, Dec 31, 2007 at 09:43:15AM -0200, Otavio Salvador wrote:
> dann frazier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> imo, the best and more widly solution would be the 2. That shouldn't
> >> be too hard and would allow us to reduce the memory footprint not only
> >> on your user case but in general usage too.
> >
> > Might be vearing off topic for this bug, but here's a wrapper I worked
> > up (not yet tested in the d-i environment).
> It looks nice.
> I think that code might be more clear if you change the cleanup step
> to be a funtion and it will make simpler to spot what is being done in
> each case.

Yes, this does improve readability.

> I see no point in using aggresive policy. It would unload the modules
> detected by udev and since we provide a small set of modules it looks
> useless to me. Do you see any possible usage?

No - it was just something I was playing with (see my comment in the
code warning people not to use it). Also, I only think it makes sense
to include a policy setting if its an option - e.g. an environment
variable. If we find only only one policy useful, the others should be
dropped to reduce code size/complexity.

Attached is a new version that incorporates your factoring suggestion,
and does away with the policy options.

dann frazier

Attachment: modprobe-and-clean.sh
Description: Bourne shell script

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