I thin I failed to make the point of the patch clear - I was resuming a
conversation that was active for me, but probably forgotten for many.

The point was to reduce the overall size of d-i and to encourage code
reuse by beginning a shell library of common functions available to d-i
packages and scripts.  This patch represents the first baby steps down
that road.  Only scripts that use logger directly or indirectly were
targetted for this round of looking at.  The immediate advantages are
the code cleanup:

 apt-setup/apt-setup                                            |   14 -
 apt-setup/finish-install.apt-cdrom-setup                       |    3 
 apt-setup/generators/50mirror                                  |   12 -
 apt-setup/generators/50mirror.ubuntu                           |   10 -
 apt-setup/generators/90services-select                         |    3 
 arch/alpha/aboot-installer/debian/postinst                     |   21 --
 arch/arm/glantank/debian/glantank-installer.postinst           |   14 -
 arch/i386/grub-installer/debian/isinstallable                  |   11 -
 arch/i386/grub-installer/grub-installer                        |   45 +---
 arch/i386/lilo-installer/debian/isinstallable                  |    7 
 arch/i386/lilo-installer/debian/postinst                       |   19 --
 arch/ia64/elilo-installer/debian/elilo-installer.postinst      |   25 --
 arch/m68k/vmelilo-installer/debian/postinst                    |   40 ----
 arch/mips/sibyl-installer/debian/postinst                      |   21 --
 arch/mipsel/colo-installer/debian/postinst                     |   17 -
 arch/powerpc/prep-installer/debian/postinst                    |   38 ----
 arch/powerpc/quik-installer/debian/postinst                    |   60 ++----
 arch/powerpc/yaboot-installer/debian/postinst                  |   72 ++-----
 autopartkit/debian/isinstallable                               |    4 
 autopartkit/debian/postinst                                    |   47 ++--
 base-installer/library.sh                                      |   95 
 cdrom-detect/debian/cdrom-detect.postinst                      |   29 +--
 cdrom-detect/finish-install                                    |   11 -
 cdrom-retriever/cdrom-retriever                                |   21 --
 clock-setup/debian/clock-setup.postinst                        |    9 
 clock-setup/finish-install.d/10clock-setup                     |   16 -
 debian-installer-utils/anna-install                            |    5 
 debian-installer-utils/apt-install                             |    3 
 debian-installer-utils/chroot-setup.sh                         |    8 
 debian-installer-utils/debian/rules                            |    1 
 debian-installer-utils/in-target                               |    3 
 debian-installer-utils/list-devices                            |    4 
 debian-installer-utils/output.sh                               |   34 +++
 debian-installer-utils/register-module.post-base-installer     |    4 
 finish-install/debian/postinst                                 |   13 -
 finish-install/finish-install.d/90console                      |   12 -
 flash-kernel/debian/flash-kernel-installer.postinst            |   21 --
 floppy-retriever/debian/load-floppy.postinst                   |   12 -
 hw-detect/disk-detect.sh                                       |    7 
 hw-detect/hotplug-pcmcia.sh                                    |   16 -
 hw-detect/hw-detect.sh                                         |   17 -
 hw-detect/net-hotplug.sh                                       |    8 
 installation-report/httpd                                      |    4 
 iso-scan/debian/iso-scan.postinst                              |   31 +--
 kickseed/cmdline.sh                                            |    3 
 kickseed/finish-install.d/01kickseed                           |    7 
 kickseed/handlers/clearpart.sh                                 |    5 
 kickseed/initrd-kickseed                                       |   19 --
 kickseed/kickseed-anna                                         |    3 
 kickseed/kickseed-udpkg                                        |    3 
 kickseed/setup/cdrom                                           |    3 
 kickseed/setup/hd                                              |    3 
 kickseed/setup/net                                             |    7 
 localechooser/localechooser                                    |   51 ++---
 lowmem/debian-installer-startup.d/S15lowmem                    |    5 
 mdcfg/mdcfg.sh                                                 |   17 -
 net-retriever/net-retriever                                    |   30 +--
 nobootloader/debian/postinst                                   |   23 --
 oldsys-preseed/oldsys-preseed                                  |   15 -
 os-prober/os-probes/init/common/10filesystems                  |    3 
 os-prober/os-probes/mounted/powerpc/20macosx                   |    9 
 partitioner/scripts/m68k.sh                                    |    5 
 partman/partman-auto-raid/auto-raidcfg                         |    9 
 partman/partman-auto-raid/display.d/initial_auto_raid_fs       |    7 
 partman/partman-auto/display.d/initial_auto                    |    3 
 partman/partman-auto/lib/recipes.sh                            |    3 
 partman/partman-base/partman                                   |    5 
 partman/partman-crypto/blockdev-keygen                         |    3 
 partman/partman-lvm/choose_partition/lvm/do_option             |    3 
 partman/partman-partitioning/active_partition/resize/do_option |    3 
 partman/partman-partitioning/lib/resize.sh                     |   21 +-
 pkgsel/debian/postinst                                         |   11 -
 preseed/preseed.sh                                             |   37 +--
 preseed/preseed_command                                        |    7 
 rescue/debian/rescue-mode.postinst                             |   17 -
 rootskel-gtk/src/usr/bin/gtk-set-font                          |    5 
 rootskel-gtk/src/usr/bin/gtk-set-theme                         |    3 
 sarge-support/finish-install.d/21sarge-quirks                  |    4 
 sarge-support/finish-install.d/51target-network-sarge          |    4 
 sarge-support/finish-install.d/91base-config-prep              |   15 -
 sarge-support/termwrap                                         |   24 --
 81 files changed, 483 insertions(+), 779 deletions(-)

The immediate disadvantage, of course, is that there is quite a lot of
the code base that I just don't know that well.  It is very possible I
broke somthing with my good intentions.

Thanks all,
|   ,''`.                                            Stephen Gran |
|  : :' :                                        [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  `. `'                        Debian user, admin, and developer |
|    `-                                     http://www.debian.org |

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