On Friday 16 November 2007, Attilio Fiandrotti wrote:
> 1) When i make the build_powerpc_netboot-gtk target (other targets
> untested), i get the following error by mklibs

That looks like it could be #433874, but that is supposed to be solved...

The only thing that can tell exactly what happens is the full output of 
mklibs with three times the '-v' option ("-v -v -v").

> 2) I have rebuilt some udebs (gtk+, cairo, pango, cdebconf) against dfb
> 1.0

Change $debug=0 to 1 in installer/build/util/pkg-list to see what's pulling 
it in.

> 3) At the end of the building process i get this error

If you want help with that, provide the full log, or do a careful check for 
differences with daily build logs yourself.


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