Your message dated Wed, 7 Nov 2007 18:06:44 +0100
with message-id <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
and subject line Bug#449029: unknown network card
has caused the attached Bug report to be marked as done.

This means that you claim that the problem has been dealt with.
If this is not the case it is now your responsibility to reopen the
Bug report if necessary, and/or fix the problem forthwith.

(NB: If you are a system administrator and have no idea what I am
talking about this indicates a serious mail system misconfiguration
somewhere.  Please contact me immediately.)

Debian bug tracking system administrator
(administrator, Debian Bugs database)

--- Begin Message ---
Package: installation-reports

Boot method: CD
Image version:
Date: 2-Nov-2007

Machine: Main Board:K8M800-MLVF Rev.B  (via k8m800/ via VT8237)
Processor: AMD Sempron 2800+
Memory: 512MB
Partitions: 5.2GB(hda1) for WindowsMe, 3.6GB(hda2) for lenny 230.3MB(hda5)
for swap

Output of lspci -nn and lspci -vnn:

Base System Installation Checklist:
[O] = OK, [E] = Error (please elaborate below), [ ] = didn't try it

Initial boot:           [O]
Detect network card:    [E]
Configure network:      [ ]
Detect CD:              [O]
Load installer modules: [O]
Detect hard drives:     [O]
Partition hard drives:  [ ]
Install base system:    [ ]
Clock/timezone setup:   [ ]
User/password setup:    [ ]
Install tasks:          [ ]
Install boot loader:    [ ]
Overall install:        [ ]

I tried two same machine. Same result.
I could install debian-testing-i386-netinst
13-Aug-2007 to same machine.

<Description of the install, in prose, and any thoughts, comments
      and ideas you had during the initial install.>
  Junichi ADACHI

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message ---
On Monday 05 November 2007, Frans Pop wrote:
> > "No kernel modules were found.
> >   This probably is due to a mismatch between the
> >   kernel used by this version of the installer and
> >   the kernel version available in the archive..."
> This is a known issue. The weekly full CD images are known to be broken.
> This is being worked on.

The current weekly built images should work again.


--- End Message ---

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