On Sunday 04 November 2007, Andrew Reid wrote:
>   Please let me know if this is the wrong forum for this query --
> as you'll see by reading it, I don't yet know if it should be a
> bug report, but on the other hand, it's not really an installer
> question.

I'm afraid this is not the correct list for this question. Please try the 
debian-user list instead.

>   The weird part is, under some circumstances (see below), I can boot
> it to single-user, and if I then run all the services in /etc/rc2.d/
> manually, they all start up just fine.  That's the condition it's in
> now, as a work-around to this problem, but I'm not happy with it,
> of course.

As you can reliably boot into single user mode, it should be possible to 
trace the point where the problem occurs, for example by disabling specific 
init scripts you suspect (rename them from Sxx* to Kxx*), by adding 
extra 'echo' statements in the scripts so you can see which get executed, 
or by adding 'set -x' statements in them to see exactly where they fail.

>   However, there's a strange connection with the console devices. The
> system normally talks to a console server via ttyS0, but it won't even
> boot to single user unless I leave the "console=ttyS0,115200" argument
> out of the boot string.
>   That's not the whole story either, though, because even if I leave
> the "console=ttyS0,115200" argument out of the boot string, it also
> won't boot to run level 2.  It hangs in roughly the same place, with
> some but not all of the /etc/rc2.d/S20* scripts giving messages on
> the console.  Of course, run-level 2 starts up a bunch of virtual
> consoles.

Did you check your /etc/inittab?

>   Are there start-up-sequence experts who can help me with this?

The suggestions above are not from a start-up-sequence expert, and you won't 
really find one on this list. If you need any more help, please ask on the 
debian-user list which is the right forum to help you trace this and 
possibly narrow this down to a specific package.


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