Package: debian-40r1-alpha-CD-1.iso and debian-40r1-alpha-kde-CD-1.isoinstallation-reports (tried both iso)
Boot method: CD-rom via SRM console (V5.7-83) Image version:;pha/iso-cd/ Date: 2007-10-08 and 2007-10-10 (each iso CD-rom respectively) Machine: DEC AlphaServer 1000A 4/266 RM Processor: (see Machine above) Memory: 1024 Meg of System Memory (from SRM show memory command) Partitions: 2 GBytes SCSI disk x 3; all 3 were detected during partitioning phase but only the first drive was used by the default set-up Output of lspci -nn and lspci -vnn: (do not understand this question) Not sure if the following information is helpful: the console displayed these lines after bus probe on power up bus 2, slot 0 -- pka -- QLogic ISP10x0 bus 2, slot 1 -- pkb -- NCP 53C810 bus 0, slot 12 -- ewa -- DECchip 21041-AA bus 0, slot 13 -- tga -- DECchip ZLXp 21030 Base System Installation Checklist: Initial boot: OK Detect network card: OK Configure network: OK Detect CD: OK Load installer modules: OK Detect hard drives: OK Partition hard drivers: OK - only one out of three was partitioned by the installer using guided partitioning Install base system: OK Clock/timezone setup: OK User/password setup: OK Install tasks: OK Install boot loader: OK Overall install: not sure - see below Comments/Problems: Booting and installing from the CD seemed to be all right until instructed to reboot the server. Only default values from the installer were used (I am very new to Linux installation) Upon reboot, the server booted into the aboot after typing boot from the SRM >>> prompt. Got "Welcome to aboot 0.9b ....." and the aboot> prompt. Typed in 0 and the following was shown: aboot: loading uncompressed vmlinuz... aboot: loading compressed vmlinuz... aboot: zero-filling 869018 bytes at 0xfffffc0001715ec6 aboot: loading initrd (6384427 bytes/6234 blocks) at 0xfffffc003f8a6000 aboot: starting kernet vmlinuz with arguments ro root=/dev/sda3 After this point the keyboard LEDs (Num Lock, Caps Lock and Scroll Lock) would flash a few times, then the screen/console became frozen. No further activities. Tried left-Alt F4, left-Alt F2, nothing happened. The machine was working before only the os was too old (Digital UNIX 3.2g). Tried both the Debian first iso CD-rom and the KDE iso CD-rom, both had the same problem. Would someone be kind enough to help please? Thank you very much in advance.