Peter Rock wrote:
> Hello, I hope I'm contacting the right folks!
> I'm trying to find out the copyright status of the elilo-installer
> package to see if it qualifies as free software or not. Below is a bit
> of a description and I was advised by debian-legal to ask the package
> maintainers. Hope someone can help!

Bdale is the original author of elilo-installer, although it's derived
from lilo-installer. rhirst, cjwatson, bubulle, dannf, Jim Lieb, and I
have each made changes that might be substantial enough to be copyrightable
(or not).

Since lilo-installer is licensed under the GPL version 2 or later, I
suggest it's sanest for elilo-installer to have the same license. I
place my modifications to it under this license. Could the listed
people please respond with a similar statement?

Isn't this our _second_ udeb that got past the ftp-masters with no
copyright file? It's not the last one. See upcoming mail for
quik-installer. :-/

see shy jo

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