
> Thank you for your report, but this is not a bug in win32-loader.  The file
> that triggers this is in fact in nsis, but it's not a bug in nsis either.

I do not know about.
Just for the annoyance: "wasn't it shipped with win32-loader"?

> These so-called anti-virus programs generally work by heuristics, and
> sometimes miss-identify legitimitate code as if it were a virus.


> You should contact the authors of Trend Micro OfficeScan explaining them they
> missidentified nsisdl (an nsis component) as a virus.

I tried some minutes ago, but these ugly companies seem to try to make it very
hard for users/customers to give feedback ..

I understand that this is technically not the fault of win32-loader.

But I also think that the problem is:
1) hard to detect for testers: is it likely that free software people have a
non-trivial windows setup at their hands?
2) hard to detect for windows users: reporting bugs to debian packages is not
the most trivial thing in this world
3) not limited to "Trend Micro OfficeScan": I guess, most anti-virus programs
use similar heuristics?
4) severe: I guess, most windows users have at least one anti-virus program
installed - they will have a hard time to get the program running

Since I just like win32-loader, but I am not soooo much interested, I decided to
not take the effort and report this to the anti-virus manufacturer. Besides
that: a similar effort is necessary for other anti-virus suppliers, too. So I
felt like wasting my time by talking to just one of them.

Sorry - I just wanted to inform you about the issue (due to my guessing, that
reports for this problem would be rare).
If you decide, that this is not an issue for win32-loader, then it will be that
way ...

keep on doing,

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