Frans Pop <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Otavio Salvador wrote:
>> New stuff
>> ---------
>>  * volatile support has been added.
> Not until someone actually uploads apt-setup...
> Note that this also means that Otavio's reply to #436220 was incorrect: 
> current images do _not_ support unselecting security updates (except 
> through preseeding an empty hostname).

Thanks. Uploaded.

>> * weekly builds has been enabled again and are now using sid
>>   installer.
> If they are enabled again then why are there no new log files for weekly 
> builds on

Steeve is already checking it.

>>  * partman now uses relatime mount option by default.
> If I look at the changes committed by Colin, I don't see anything that makes 
> partman set it _by default_. It's currently only a supported option.
> Also, none of those changes have been uploaded yet.

Thanks by spot it out.

> I think you should probably only mention new stuff _after_ the relevant 
> changes have been uploaded...

Right. Will do it for next one.

>> Currently broken daily builds
>> -----------------------------
>>  * sparc lenny CD images are failing due a lack of image on the
>>    mirror.
> This is expected because of the changes after dropping sparc32 and will be 
> fixed by a D-I beta release.

I've changed the text to add a note for the cause of it.

>> Installation Images
>> -------------------
>>  * weekly CD builds for sparc are broken.
> If weekly builds use daily D-I images, then AFAIK they should not be broken.

They're not doing it. I'm working on it.

As you can see, I'm learning and obviously doing mistakes. That's part
of the process ;-)

Good to hear from you.


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