i upgraded from unslung to debian successfully, and i used the web interface to 
set the ip address and upgrade the firmware. unfortunately, the system hung and 
wouldnt shutdown so i pulled the power plug. this corrupted my system 
partitions superblocks.

so now i am trying to reinstall this, but obviously i no longer have the web 
interface. using the redboot loader, i assumed it would use the ip 
address so set up my laptop in the same range. using the sercomm windows 
utility, it finds a device and i try to upload the firmware (di-nslu2.bin from 
the debian-4.0r0.zip installer release) but recieve the following errors:

H/W Types Mismatch!

it then exits the installer process. has anyone seen this issue before? are my 
assumptions wrong? - i.e. it wont be using the ip?

any help would be much appreciated.

Dan Burt

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