Attached is an IRC conversation on this bug.

 Bug being discussed upstream at:

Loïc Minier
12:00 -!- lool [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #debian-boot
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12:00 -!- Topic set by fjp [EMAIL PROTECTED] [Mon May 21 20:44:16 2007]
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12:01 < fjp> :-)
12:01 < lool> fjp: There were fixes with color names
12:02 < fjp> We're only using color codes (#xxxxxx)
12:03 < fjp> lool: Here's our gtkrc file:
12:03 < lool> fjp: So, first, I'd recommend considering a switch to symbolic 
names for colors
12:03 < lool> (But this is unrelated)
12:03 < Supaplex> fjp: is it important that netboot d-i's grub won't boot 
win2k3r2 after installing? It just hangs. I'm going to try fixoring it later. 
(sleep is near)
12:04 < fjp> Hmm. That is pretty hard as we have a very specific color red to 
match the banner.
12:04 < fjp> Supaplex: Yes, it is important.
12:04 < fjp> Supaplex: I'll be happy top work with you on that.
12:05 < Supaplex> should I file a bug? - I'll do a little more research.
12:05 < fjp> Supaplex: There is already one open.
12:06 < Supaplex> ahh ok. MSFT has free trials of 2k3r2 iso's for downloading 
if you want to try anything.  How can I help?
12:06 -!- rwhitby [EMAIL PROTECTED] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
12:07 < lool> fjp: I wonder if these might be changes in clearlooks
12:07 < fjp> Supaplex: It works for me, so you will have to do the debugging.
12:07 < Supaplex> I installed via debian.exe baiscly 12 hours ago or something.
12:08 < fjp> lool: Yes, could be. I don't find them logical though.
12:08 < lool> fjp: The symbolic color names can be defined of course; the 
benefit is that people can derive other colors from the symbolic names, for 
example "a slightly darker red than red"
12:08 < Supaplex> everything works ok, but booting back to windows. pretty much 
defaults. I already had free space to use
12:08 < Supaplex> ok. I'll catch my sleep() cycle, and try again soon. just 
/msg me or memoserv if I'm offline, if you think of any other needs.
12:08 < fjp> Supaplex: I don't have time for this until after debconf.
12:09 < fjp> lool: Ah, OK. A pointer to some documentation would be nice.
12:10 < lool> fjp: I'm going away for lunch now; I'll search for information on 
gtkrc symbolic color names and research this bug after lunch
12:10 < fjp> lool: Thx. Bon apetit.
12:10 < lool> fjp: I'm now pretty sure it's a Clearlooks change; if you like 
you can read through /usr/share/doc/gtk2-engines/NEWS.gz
12:11 < lool> And/or try gtk2-engines 2.8 (or etch's) rebuilt against gtk 2.10
12:14 -!- rwhitby [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #debian-boot
12:24 < fjp> lool: Looks like it could be: "Bug 407440 - Use text[NORMAL] for 
active checkmarks" in 2.9.4
12:26 < fjp> That does make some sense, but OTOH it does make things a bit 
dull. I quite liked having the checkmarks in the support color.
12:26 < fjp> And if it really is text[NORMAL], we cannot even change it as we'd 
also change the text color which is something I definitely would not want.
12:26 < fjp> So, very much :-(
12:30 -!- weasel_ [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #debian-boot
12:30 -!- weasel [EMAIL PROTECTED] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
12:30 < fjp> lool: Looking at the bug I do find it very hard to link the 
reported problem to the solution though.
12:30 -!- weasel_ is now known as weasel
12:51 -!- dam [EMAIL PROTECTED] has quit [Quit: left the network]
12:52 -!- dam [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #debian-boot
13:11 < lool> fjp: I'm glad you found the relevant change; I'm not very versed 
in writing gtkrc; do you think you could adapt d-i's gtkrc and version the dep 
on clearlooks?  Or do you think we should enhance the new clearlooks to support 
more refined settings?
13:11 -!- p2-mate [EMAIL PROTECTED] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by 
13:12 -!- p2-mate [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #debian-boot
13:12 -!- sapphire [EMAIL PROTECTED] has joined #debian-boot
13:17 < lool> fjp: Concerning the symbolic color names and the derived colors, 
this is covered in the Gtk documentation which you can either browse with 
devhelp (search for gtkrc for example), or in HTML;
13:22 < lool> fjp: And this one of the blog post I've seen on Planet GNOME 
suggesting symbolic names are a good thing:
13:26 < fjp> lool: Thx for the links.
13:26 < fjp> lool: Compare the screenshots here:
13:27 < fjp> I'd suggest contacting upstream and see if this was really 
intended. It would be nice if it could be enhanced.
13:27 < fjp> IMO the old look with the colors was a lot nicer.
13:28 < lool> fjp: Wow, the unstable clearlooks is safer, it selects "No" to 
"Write changes to disks"   :-P
13:28 < fjp> lol
13:29 < lool> I'm surprized about the gradient too
13:31 < fjp> What gradient exactly?
13:32 < lool> In the title
13:32 < lool> And in selected lines
13:33 -!- fnordus [EMAIL PROTECTED] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
13:34 < fjp> lool: That is because I actually changed the banner and the color 
slightly. I'll create unstable screenshots with identical color setting.
13:34 < lool> fjp: Ah
13:35 < lool> fjp: I just filed an upstream bug; could you please fix my report 
to be more accurate?
13:35 < lool>
13:35 < fjp> OK. I'll reassign the BTS one to gtk2-engines-udeb.
13:35 < fjp> Lunch first.
13:35 < fjp> Will you be at debconf?
13:36 < apt_get> its normal isolinux not have /dev/loop* ?
13:36 < lool> fjp: BTW, I uploaded a new glib, a new gtk+2.0 and just right now 
a new pango1.0 to experimental; these are worth a shot; it's a new Gtk major 
series (2.12.x instead of 2.10.x), and glib is stricter than in the past with 
memory allocations
13:36 < fjp> OK. Will try that later.
13:36 < lool> fjp: And there's a new gtk in unstable which has the big 2.12 -> 
2.10 backporting work attilio and mike emmel have been doing upstream
13:36 < fjp> Cool
13:37 < lool> This new Gtk is on its way to testing already, I expect it will 
mostly bring bug fixes in directfb, and there shouldn't be many more bug fixes 
in experimental's gtk
13:37 < lool> The experimental Gtk has some cool stuff such as compositing 
support, but I'm afraid it needs X for this
13:38 < lool> apt_get: modprobe loop?
13:38 < fjp> If it's in unstable, I have already been using it in my tests 
13:38 < lool> fjp: I uploaded it yesterday
13:38 < lool> 2.10.13-1
13:39 < fjp> Ah, Ok. Will get it in my tests today then.
13:39 < lool> fjp: Sending this IRC log and the GNOME bug to Debian 428749

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