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From: Debian Wiki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Debian Wiki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Debian Wiki] Update of 
"DebianInstaller/FransPopAndOthersVs.SvenLutherIssue" by SvenLuther
Date: Sun, 20 May 2007 15:15:59 -0000

Dear Wiki user,

You have subscribed to a wiki page or wiki category on "Debian Wiki" for change 

The following page has been changed by SvenLuther:

  ## page was renamed from DebianInstaller/FransPopvsSvenLutherIssue
  ## page was renamed from DebianInstaller/SvenLutherIssue
  The Frans Pop and others vs Sven Luther issue is a conflict between a part of 
the d-i team comprised of Frans Pop and a few (2?) other persons who chose to 
remain anonymous, and Sven Luther, which led to the revocation of Sven Luther's 
commit right to the d-i repository.
+ = Cease-fire proposal =
+ Sven Luther is proposing a face-to-face meeting between him, Frans and others 
involved in this issue, as well as outsiders who are interested in helping get 
this resolved smoothly, during FOSDEM, which will be held around 3 months from 
now, and that both parties stop the hostilities until then.
+ Update :
+ At FOSDEM, Frans Pop walked past me, turning his head the other way, and 
refused to return my greeting. He didn't come to the discussion speach i held 
during the debian day, which was supposed to be an place to discuss in real 
life  the future of the kernel in debian, and later, Holger, who apparently 
knew about things he should not, told me debian would be better off without me. 
This was shortly after i joined a discussion between Holger and James Troup, on 
sunday 25, because i wanted Holger's opinion on my speech, and if i had managed 
to be as neutral as possible, with regard to the dispute with the d-i folk, 
which i believe i had, only mentioning that it was sad they didn't chose to 
come to my presentation despite me inviting them. Both of them knew about the 
expulsion procedure against me, since they tried to mail me on the 24th, and it 
is clear from the events that surfaced later on, that the procedure was started 
again after i presented myself as DPL candidate, and Frans at least was a very 
active person in recruiting supporters for the procedure.
  = Information =
@@ -20, +28 @@

  Sven Luther added a page where 
[:DebianInstaller/FransPopAndOthersVs.SvenLutherIssue/SvenLutherThinking: he 
reflects on how this issue seems unsolvable].
- Sven Luther wrote about 
 of FOSDEM 2007 related to this issue].
+ = Note to all participants =
- = Cease-fire proposal =
+ Steve Kemp, and someone called AntiDrama, have tried to censor these pages. A 
message to both of you, and other would-be censors. This page will go away once 
the issue is solved, so why not concentrate your energy on helping get it fixed 
instead ? A special note to Steve Kemp : you said in your 
 blog] that you where sympathetic to my cause, but, like with many others in 
the same situation as you, this never translated with trying to speak with 
Frans and others, or at least there was not a single public hint about this. 
- Sven Luther proposed a face-to-face meeting between him, Frans Pop and others 
involved in this issue, as well as outsiders who are interested in helping get 
this resolved smoothly, during FOSDEM 2007, which is over, and that both 
parties stop the hostilities until then.
- = Note to all participants =
+ ----
+ I'd not call my actions "censorship".  I was merely removing inappropriate 
content from a project-wide resource.
+ If you believe you have the right to conduct personal arguments here in 
addition to your never-ending mailing list spam I see no reason why I can't 
believe I have the right to remove them.
+ As for who I've spoken to, and how publically I've done so that is irrelevant 
to this abuse of this site.  I've previously mailed you and suggested you cease 
your repeated mailings (Jun 17th 2006).  I then killfiled you on Oct 15th, 
again telling you.  I will no longer respond to your ramblings, but I am 
increasingly tempted to start deleting pages again.
+ --  SteveKemp
+ ----
+ Steve, 
+ I added the original page, because i was adviced to do so by people on 
#debian-devel and elsewhere (by many people), in order to try to solve this 
issue, since, as you said, using the mailing lists was not nice to readers, and 
i was told to go to a way that people can pull information if they wanted, 
instead of pushing it to them.
+ I created a single, positive and constructive page, to which geert replied 
with hateful stuff, and filipus decided to move in the current format, and then 
others participated.
+ You can hardly blame me for this, nor can you blame me for trying to find a 
solution to this childish conflict, which now is lasting more than 6 months. It 
is not as if i didn't try to solve it previously, and not as if i asked the DPL 
to mediate, but the fact is, we are not in november, and facing the exact same 
+ -- SvenLuther 
+ ----
+ Sven,
+ Invisible and anonymous people told me to delete these pages.  See how easily 
that works?
+ -- Steve Kemp
+ ----
+ Well, ask someone who has a log of last week #debian-devel, and have a look 
for yourself. I sadly don't keep logs, but i know plenty of people do.
+ -- SvenLuther
+ ----
  Sven Luther started with a single page, and then Geert Stappers replied, and 
on that FilipusKlutiero decided to move this all to a more streamlined process, 
in order to make reading easier, and to avoid having people munge other folk 
   * Note: If the previous paragraph is not erroneous, it is IMO unlikely that 
readers understand what it is supposed to mean with this formulation. -- 

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