On 3/21/07, Martin Michlmayr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

* Stephane List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2007-03-19 17:00]:

>       - it was not clear which Kernel I should choose (I don't remember
> exactly, but there's 3 choices looking like : linux, linux 2.6 and
> linux-

I think I've seen this during an installation once recently, but this
really shouldn't happen.  It should automatically pick the right one.
Have other people seen this too?

I've saw this message on an amd64 system last weekend. I haven't done
a recent installation on the NSLU2, but I hadn't seen it on the NSLU2

>       - there's a small message while installing kernel-2.6.18-4 :
>   ? 09:58:50          Err  file capture.c: line 86 (capture_start):
> assertion failed: (capture_opts->state == CAPTURE_STOPPED)

I've never seen this.  Anyone?

I'll test out the installer this weekend to see if I can reproduce the message.


Gordon Farquharson

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