reassign 415871 clock-setup 0.15
severity 415871 important
# in fact, I consider this almost, but maybe not quite, serious
tags 415871 pending

On Thursday 22 March 2007 19:31, Karen Larson wrote:
> Comments/Problems:
> Installed in expert mode.
> The installation seemed to go fine and the machine rebooted OK.  With
> both versions of the installer, even though I had chosen UTC NO in
> clock setup during installation, 'date' did not give the correct time
> and was off by our UTC offset.  In looking at files, /etc/adjtime
> contained the line UTC while /etc/default/rcS contained the line UTC=no
> (which seems contradictory).

Thank you for pointing us to /etc/adjtime. We had been getting other 
reports about this, but only very infrequently. As we did already set
/etc/default/rcS correctly, this has baffled us for a long time.

/etc/adjtime is unconditionally created by base-files (during base system 
installation) and so can just be modified in the clock-setup 
finish-install.d script.


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