reassign 405737 cdebconf-gtk-udeb
retitle 405737 G-I does not support some i810 graphics cards

On Sunday 07 January 2007 15:03, Roy Francis wrote:
> If  I simply insmod a precompiled i810fb.ko, will it work ?

I've been testing a bit with that, but at least on my laptop (which seems 
to need intelfb) I could not get it to work.
First I got a conflict with the vesafb driver, but even after compiling a 
custom kernel I could not get anything useful. I'm not sure that directfb 
currently even supports other framebuffer drivers.

On Monday 08 January 2007 14:11, Roy Francis wrote:
> Yes ! it is giving a textual interface.

Thanks for confirming that. At least we now know that it does not actually 
fail to start the installer anymore, but falls back in a nice way.

Sorry the graphical interface does not work for your system. We can 
hopefully resolve that for the next Debian release (Lenny).


Note to developers: please leave this BR with cdebconf-gtk-udeb. I'd like 
to have at least one bug report there to document this issue.
A similar report is #400898.

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