On Saturday 30 December 2006 04:46, Jonas Meurer wrote:
> I need some advice regarding this bug. Unforuntately i don't know
> nothing about initramfs, and David Härdeman, the one who usually does
> all the cryptsetup initramfs stuff, is unavailable currently.

I doubt anyone in the d-i team is much more familiar with this, especially 
the specifics regarding cryptsetup.

> Could somebody comment on this patch, so that the fix can make it into
> etch in case that it is ok?

Your best chance would be contacting the initramfs maintainer (Maximilian 
Attems), but the d-kernel list is the better address for that.

I agree with you that a decision on this needs to be taken soon so that 
cryptsetup can migrate.
As David will be back on the 4th, it may be easier to just wait for him 
though. Especially as he is probably best placed to judge the issue and 
the patch correctly.
I doubt that delay will make any real difference.


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