Op 26-11-2006 om 21:11 schreef Sven Luther:
> On Sun, Nov 26, 2006 at 04:41:38PM +0100, Geert Stappers wrote:
> > 
> > Op 26-11-2006 om 15:44 schreef Sven Luther:
> > > ... it can only end with me being totally destroyed.
> > 
> > Fine, just continue with what you are doing.
> And you would have played a strong role in this. But Fabio proposed to act as
> mediator, and both me and Frans (on behalf of the un-named other guys i
> guess), as well as the DPL agreed to it, so let's see what it brings.
> But if you are really honest with yourself, you will be able to see your own
> part in what happened in this. I know my part, and i made ammend, and i tried
> to engage conciling discussion, but to absolutely no avail.
> Maybe if someone else than me points you to your negative participation in
> this, you will be able to aknowledge it, as well as the positive participation
> i know you also had, and we will be able to move forward in this discussion.
> Friendly,
> Sven Luther

I'm still in doubt what is a better aproach, fjp or joeyh.
fjp: I never ignored you on mailinglists
joeyh: I'm ignoring him for various reasons since october 2005

The mediation is about a personal problem "Frans versus Sven".
The outcome is only relevant for those two.

I wonder how Sven will bend the personal conflict in a debian-installer
conflict. Because there is also a lot of damage to repair.

Anyway: enough food for the energybeast[1] today.

Geert Stappers
[1] http://www.donotfeedtheenergybeast.com/

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