Joey Hess napisał(a):
Marcin Giedz wrote:
I really don't know if this is right group (if not give me a hint where to put that) to send my question but I will try. Yesterday I compiled new kernel for etch installer. I added new section in isolinux/isolinux.cfg pointing my new kernel and initrd.
LABEL linux29
       kernel /install/vmlinuz
append vga=normal initrd=/install/initrd.gz ramdisk_size=9920 root=/dev/ram --

Next I produced new iso, burnt it and tried to install. D-i run ok but after "Begin: Waiting for root file system... ..." he stopped with message: "ALERT! /dev/ram does not exist. Dropping to a shell!"

I checked in /dev/ and there was no "ram" entry but "ram{0-9}".

What I did wrong? How can I fix it?

You may have built a kernel without the necessary initramfs support. You
also seem to be using an old iso image; current iso images do not set

Thanks Joey,

I will try tomorrow and let you know.


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