On Wednesday 01 November 2006 15:45, Bill McNeill wrote:
> The machine is hard hung, so I'm not in a debug shell and I can't page
> up to see what came before the segment fault.  Unfortunately, I can't
> see what was loading before the fault: the very top of the screen is
> filled up with the register dump and whatnot.

OK. But still, the installer worked without problem, so we should be able 
to solve this.

> I don't know how to figure out what was running when the seg fault
> occurred.  I don't have a working shell so I can't read any log files,
> nor can I cat /proc/modules or ls /dev.

Please give us any information that you _can_ see on the screen. I know 
that copying that manually is a pain, but without the info we cannot 

Another option, if the laptop has a serial port, you have another box to 
connect it to and a null-modem cable, is to boot over serial console. 
That should give you the full log of boot messages.


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