On Tuesday 31 October 2006 14:34, Alexander Vogel wrote:
> Just for Information:
> I set up a server (routing) with one drbd devices on sda . Now today i
> wanted to install (management) with 3 drbd devices on sda 9 .. 11
> over the routing server but get a kernel panic error
> To exclude it from from the list (and to say to my boss, that's not
> causing the error):

I doubt even a severe error in a recipe should be able to cause a kernel 
panic. It might do unexpected things to your disc, but not panic the 
kernel. After all, partman will only translate the recipe into "regular" 
calls to libparted.

> In method{ } it's also possible to use keep, so
> i asume this is formating the partition ?!
> [snap]
> 10000 10000 10000 ext3 method{ format } format{ } use_
> filesystem{ } filesystem{ ext3 } mountpoint{ /clstdmc } .
> [snap]

Looks correct to me.

> Is there a parameter i can set in format{ } ?

No, not as far as I know.

> @Frans:  could you please give me a link to the documentation.You have
> maybe better things to do, as to answer my questions ;-)

The only documentation I'm aware of is the appendix on preseeding in the 
installation guide and this document:


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