clone 394659 -1 -2 -3
retitle -1 Please increase the swap partition size to allow suspend
reassign -1 partman-auto
severity -1 wishlist
retitle -2 Wrong handling of mac-usb-de-latin1 when creating xorg.conf
reassign -2 xorg
retitle -3 Please add wpasupplicant to the desktop task
reassign -3 tasksel
severity -3 wishlist
close 394659

> 1. swap:
> The autopartion tried to create just a 300MB swap partion. This is not enough
> because laptop user want to use suspend to disk and then the swapspace needs
> a partition greater than the amount of ram. Its hard for the normal user to 
> change
> this after installation.

Created as wish against partman-auto

> 2. X warning
> I got a warning from X with possible upgrade problems. But this was a new 
> installation
> so there is no need for such a warning and just confuses a user.

Known problem. Already reported to xorg packages. Dunno if this has
been fixed now

> 3. X keyboard option
> I choosed for the keyboard "German"/"Deutsch" and not the Default "German (no 
> dead keys)"/
> "Deutsch (keine Tottasten)". I don't know if this is the reason but the 
> xorg.conf was
> configured "XkbLayout" "us" which results to big problems when you try to 
> login after
> the installation in gdm and you are using non-ascii characters.
> Additional the Apple keys are not mapped to AltGr which results in not having 
> @ and |
> on this machine.

Reassigning to xorg as this is obviously a wrong handling in its
config script

> 4. wpasupplicant
> The tasksel selection was "Desktop" and "Laptop" but wpasupplicant wasn't 
> installed for
> WLAN. Could wpasupplicant be added to the "Laptop" tasksel because IMHO if 
> you are using
> a laptop you want WLAN and WPA.

Reassigning to tasksel

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