On Tuesday 26 September 2006 09:51, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Tuesday 26 September 2006 09:37, David Härdeman wrote:
> > Perhaps "depmod -ae" needs to be executed after the
> > crypto-modules-$kvers module has been downloaded and unpacked?
> Yes, depmod definitely needs to be called after new modules are loaded.
> (AFAIK depmod -a should be enough.)
> Grep on depmod in hw-detect for examples.
> Also, if loading modules can result in new devices, update-dev (from
> di-utils) needs to be called.
> Again, grep in hwdetect for examples.

Adding a 'depmod -a' does fix the problem.

Note that there is this issue too.
As I've said earlier in this BR, anna-install will likely not return an 
error if not all dependencies can be met (my logs attached earlier 
confirm this), so this needs to be checked in a different way.

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