On the no open ports thing, I was very impressed by what avahi's
developer had to say on it:
He points out that dhcp and dns are likely to have a broader security
exposure than mdns. There's also a good point in the comments about

The alternative to invluding avahi in the desktop task by default is adding
a zeroconf task that enhances other installed tasks, as proposed at
http://wiki.debian.org/ZeroConf. There are some plusses and some minuses
to that; it's nice the way it allows enhancing even things like the web
server task with zeroconf support, but it's problimatic that users are
unlikely to say "I want to do zeroconf!", which indicates that it
doesn't quite fit as a proper tasksel task.

This had fallen off my radar in the past couple of months so I'm glad
for this bug report to put it back on.

see shy jo

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