On Sunday 17 September 2006 14:28, Frans Pop wrote:
> * partman-auto using LVM and crypto
>   partman-auto-lvm now has been available for some time, but is still
>   not available for all arches. LVM support is a prerequisite for
>   partman-auto-crypto support which will be uploaded soon.
>   Note: swap on LVM should be possible now and is even required for
>   partman-auto-crypto.

I have tested and activated LVM support in autopartitioning for hppa.


P.S. I used to see occasional freezes when additional installer components 
were loaded if I booted my hppa with the 64-bit kernel. Today with 2.6.17 
I could not reproduce this in 3 installation tests.
I'll keep trying though ;-)

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