reassign 388159 installation-reports
retitle 388159 installation-reports: Please depend on lspci 
severity wishlist

Rick Thomas wrote:
> Package: base

Please do not file bugs against the base pseudo-package.
It is there just as a catch-all-I-dunno-where-to-file-this-report for
users that can't really tell what package is giving them problems.
All the bug reports here get reassigned to the right package.

> > On Monday 18 September 2006 21:49, Rick Thomas wrote:
> > > On Sep 18, 2006, at 10:17 AM, De Leeuw Guy wrote:
> > > > Frans Pop a écrit :
> > > > > The d-i team is not responsible for what is part of the base
> > > > > system and what is not.
> > >
> > > Then who is?  Where should I send a bug report?
> >
> > What is your rationale for including it?
> > lspci is hardly an essential tool (although it _is_ highly useful of
> > course, but so are a couple of 100 other tools that are not  
> > included)...
> >
> > Correct place to file a bug report would be the pseudo package
> > "base", but I strongly suggest you do not file a bug for this.

Wrong, see above. 

> Since the install-report template requests the output of lspci, I
> would think you -- of all folks -- would want it as part of the base
> system.

Imho, installation-reports should depend on, or recommend lspci if it
requires its output for the report.


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