also sprach martin f krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2006.09.07.1321 +0200]:
> Could you please give a thumbs-up on mdadm 2.5.3.git200608202239-2
> migrating into etch, please? It's blocked because of the udeb...

Hm, #385994 is RC (I just bumped it to serious).

I'll upload -3 with urgency high because it basically doesn't change
any of the functionality, and I really would prefer not waiting for
another 10 days. There's more to do on mdadm once I am comfortable
with the version in testing, and -3 looks like the ticket.

So please, if at all, unblock 2.5.3.git200608202239-3, which is
forthcoming. The changelog is here:

I'll wait for Joey Hess' reaction to the debhelper bug I just filed
about adding a -v argument to dh_installdebconf, which would be the
cleanest fix for #385994.

Please do not send copies of list mail to me; I read the list!
 .''`.   martin f. krafft <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
: :'  :  proud Debian developer, author, administrator, and user
`. `'` -
  `-  Debian - when you have better things to do than fixing systems
NP: Psychomuzak / The Exstasie

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